Most of the time when I tell people what I do, I get a blank stare of confusion. Next, they usually move on to another topic completely ignoring what I just said, or give me a hmm then ask about the weather or something innocuous, hoping I will drop the subject all together.
Heck, is having a two-way intuitive conversation with your unborn baby really that controversial? Some seem to think so!
Bless my dear husband for always adding levity and perspective to my life. He off-handedly said something like “Honey, you’re not that far out there. I was listening to James Van Praagh (a famous medium) and he talks to dead people all the time.” His comment made me laugh and lifted me out of my seriousness and introspection about my current career path.
My wheels started churning. Unused synapses connected in my brain. He’s right I thought! Mediums have communicated with deceased loved ones for hundreds of years. People don’t think that so odd, or at least can relate to it. So why not talk to unborn babies and hear them answer back?
We are spiritual beings from the beginning to the end! Our spirit doesn’t start at conception. It has existed and will continue to exist after this lifetime. That is why mediums can connect with loved ones. They are connecting with the spirit of the person who is no longer physically here.
And that is why you can communicate with your unborn baby! An unborn baby is a conscious, sentient being—it is a spiritual being. It has awareness and feelings and intelligence. It has a life purpose and agenda. This spirit has chosen you to be its mother or father!
So back to what I do. I teach pregnant moms and want-to-be moms (and dads) how to have intuitive two-way communication with their unborn babies. I propose that pregnancy is not all about biology–having a child is a spiritual agreement between the mom, dad and baby.
With this in mind, you can ask your baby directly what it needs to be best taken care of in this moment. If you have miscarried, ask the spirit of the baby why it miscarried. Ask it if it is coming back. You don’t need a medium to speak with your unborn baby! You can do it naturally given an openness and willingness combined with practice and patience. This type of communication adds an unprecedented level of confidence and security for you. Why? Because you are no longer relying on sources outside of yourself for validation and confirmation that you are on the right track!
That’s all for today. Let this sink in. I’ll discuss more on this topic later.
To receive a free copy of my Top 10 Tips For Developing Intuitive Two-Way Communication With Your Unborn/New Born Baby, just sign up on the home page of this website!